keep-calm-and-make-a-list-30Okay, so I’ve done the website thing and gone head to head with the sign-up form without which I will apparently never sell a single book. The pages are in place and the content is written and posted up. So what’s left… ah, I have to get the ISBNs sorted out at Neilsen in the UK. Then I have check through all the front matter and back matter in the books and check the covers are okay. Eek – I’ve just realised I only have e-covers. Since I want to sell Part 1 of the On the Amazon series in print, I’ll need to design a proper print cover. I’ve no idea how to do this, but I’ll find out soon enough.

Better set up a Amazon kindle account too, since I don’t know how that’s going to pan out or what obstacles will be placed in my path.

I’ve also decided that I’m going to go exclusive with Kindle. The debate on this one runs to pages and pages, and as everyone will agree, having Amazon dominate the market is not good (since when has a virtual monopoly ever been good?)… but, as nearly everyone will also agree, if you need to sell books, Amazon is the place to do it. End of argument – at least for the moment.BBQ

Well now, the next thing on my list is ‘edit books’. Oh yes – the books! – easy to forget about them. I need to re-read every word and make any final corrections (this wil be the fourth or fifth time this has been done, and not just by me). Still, to be sure, to be sure, to be sure, to be sure, to be sure, to be sure, it’ll have to be done again. Only then will I be able to get the books formatted and submitted to Amazon.

Right, so that’s  – ISBNs, print cover, final edit, formatting, upload.  At least it’s now dwon from the 40 items on my original list. My self-imposed deadline is this Sunday, so I’m not sure if I will make it – but since there’s a BBQ and a few beers riding on it, I’ll have to find the time!!